Thursday, August 6, 2009

major update! (and pics)

I know it has been a very long time since I've blogged, I was talking to some other mom's about this and they have the same problem I have.... less time on the computer because our children are getting older.
But! Josiah is still asleep this morning! (WOW) and it is almost 9am. This is a good morning, no one screaming and whining because they want juice.

So, we have had a wild summer so far! Just this past spring we moved to a house on the west side of Redding, we went to a wedding in sacramento where Josiah was the ringbearer.

I was so excited for my little man!
Then we has a few hot weeks of summer in Redding and going to pools and trying to stay cool.
The new baby in me is growing and I'm feeling good!

Then we get the horrible news about Patrick's mom and her ex and we flew out about 5 hours after to Ohio. That day was crazy for Patrick because he had gotten up at 5 am to get work done that day and then didn't sleep until 6am the next day! We were in so much shock, and I was definitely in denial, it still doesn't seem real.

However, we got to spend a lot of time with family and that was a blessing. We made some deeper connections and has some good talks. My Aunt and Uncle from Michigan, and a cousin were able to drive down for a few days, and that was nice for me to have family that I am close to but hardly see supporting me and my family.