Friday, November 21, 2008

end to blogging silence!

(This is a picture of him as a cowboy for Holloween)

So I have been sitting back and watching myself and the other mom's I hang with and what I think is so interesting is that God is always teaching us about ourselves through our kids, and we are so amazed at how our kids grow and learn. Its so simple and obvious but it has really just struck me.
Like every little thing that Josiah is doing that is new is so wonderful!
Lately, he has been turning around, saying "dada" to almost everything, says "no" and "yeah".
He also understand a lot more than I give him credit for. He can throw and catch a small ball, and he can open books to "read". Its so cute him sitting there and reading aloud, he says "dou-dou di da" Oh, he can also curl his tongue!
Everyone is always telling me how cute his facial expressions are, and that he is such a good little boy. This always encourages me especially when he is teething and has turned into a little terror!
He just runs around the house literally tearing things apart and pulling things out of where they need to be. His favorite places to wreak havoc is the trash and the toilet. No matter how much I reprimand him or give him a swat on his booty, he keeps up the reign of terror! Aaaah! Those are the nights Patrick takes us out to dinner or just deals with chicken nuggets. =)

1 comment:

the lains said...

little boys are so you guys.