Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is anyone else laughing?!

These are just some random thoughts about what I have been learning and what I've been up to.

I've been babysitting a little boy about 4 months older than Josiah and the 1st week he was pooping every hour on the hour for 6-7 hours! I was really getting concerned until I found out he was given a laxative. hmmm...... He is going normally now.

I like to watch the talk show Ellen because she has her audience do these funny games. Did anyone see the blindfolded cracker eating, then whistling contest? Or the nylon ball twister? I want us to do this at the women's retreat coming up! (April 3-5) Whos up for a challenge?!

God has been opening my eyes, through Josiah and the boy I am watching, to how gracious He is to me. He has a lot of patience with me, and I don't always have patience with the people around me. hmmm....

I've been reading some good encouraging blogs from other mom's around the country. I love hearing that I'm not alone as a mom of a boy, and that I don't need to worry about being a 'good mom', but focus on being a 'godly woman'. That was exactly what I needed to hear today. =)

The boys are so cute, especially when they are doing something naughty! Why is that? I fight with myself not to crack up, but they are both learning so much. I'm really proud about the progress they have made in just a few weeks! Josiah is repeating words more, he is also starting to do as I say. The boy I am watching has also grown in using his words when he is unhappy with something (Josiah stealing his toys). I wasn't expecting him to change this quickly but I am quickly learning that I do not know everything!

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