Saturday, October 17, 2009

Its Fall!

This is a season of change, even though we are waiting, we are looking forward to what God is showing us for the future.
"we can make plans, but it is God who determines our steps" (proverbs)

Josiah's 2nd birthday just passed and I am reminded of all the things God put on my heart for him when he was born and even before we were pregnant. Josiah was promised to us by God and so I need to remember that and not let worries creep into my mind and heart about Josiah. I've been praying for God's supernatural creativity to be on all my children, and Patrick. I want to empower my kids to use their talents and passions for God's glory.

God is our god of Peace! I have just put all the pieces of my life together and realized that He has always given me supernatural Peace. I knew this but not in the understanding I have now. I always pray for peace, and I see that He knew I needed it before I was born. Such a wonderful revelation.

The morning service at the Stirring had its one year anniversary! Things are moving fast and going rather well! God has His hand on our little church here and we are now looking to buy a building! WOW!
Nate's messages on "under the Chuppah" is so powerful because it is what God wants to say in our lives, that ALL our relationships need to have Him there! This was His intention from the beginning. (listen to the podcasts)
Life group is going well. I have a nice small group of girls, all at different stages in life and so it makes it interesting and we are able to encourage and support each other. I am loving that we are talking about all the "taboo" subjects now. Lets cut through the B.S. and really get to the heart issues! Yeah! (the words "pumped' and "stoked" come to mind)

Lastly, this baby is coming soon! About 6 weeks left! I am ready for this child to be out of me.
I am praying for things to go smoothly and that I will have God's supernatural peace once again. NO matter what!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

So Exciting! Praying for a safe and easy birth! =)