Sunday, July 20, 2008

Laundry Day

This is the lovely sign that is above the toilet in the bathroom at the coin-op laundry I go to. I hadn't noticed it before because I never go into the bathroom there. But today I was curious and checked it out. This is what I saw......'hmm just a friendly sign' I thought. Then I got closer I couldn't believe how rude people are! However, maybe this sign does work, because the bathroom was nice and clean.

Its always fun to go to a public place and meet new interesting people, or just watch them. Today there was a nun wearing a full on black shroud. I could only see her face and hands. She also had a little cross pin on. Everyone there is sweet and pretty friendly. There was an old man, with no teeth, and a biker couple who have traveled all over Northern California and Nevada.
There is a doughnut shop next door and they don't have very nice equipment for coffee and hot chocolate, and only 20 doughnuts. Thats it! No old fashioned kind.... bummer.


Becky Moseley said...

Sounds fun. My laundry days are spent sweating in the oven-like garage, and the only people I meet are the wolf spiders and little lizards that hang out in there. Goo. Maybe I'll come with you next time...

Candace said...

That is so funny and strange. But like you said, I guess it works!

ChristyLove said...

I left a message for my roomates taped to some cleaner once that said, "Try me, I f*kin' clean things". Looking back, I'm sure it was pretty rude. But it did the job and now I have an inflated ego about my sense of humor. =)