Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It has come to my attention that many of you, my friends have not heard of this wonderfully funny folk singing duo called :Flight of the Conchords.
They are both actors from New Zealand who have a show on HBO. Its hilarious and witty. Here is a few of my favorite songs.
This first song is fun because it kinda sounds like Pet Shop Boys, or some other 80's/90's band.
The next song is a reflection of what marriage is sometimes...

Another comedian that I think is great is Demetri Martin. I like him because he is witty, and makes normal things funny. He isn't like many other comedians who have to swear in every sentence for something to be funny. I don't get why people think that is so funny....

Who is your favorite comedian?


Anonymous said...

I stood less than 7 feet from the conchord with the chops and the glasses... Jurmane is his name i believe... it was in a cafe in LA.. they are super funny!! love it!

Candace said...

I watched the "business time" video and the comedian video. Laughed my rear off on both! That is so funny. Thanks for sharing! I found a hilarious skit the other day called "Waiters who are nauseated by food" I think I thought it was funnier than everyone else did but everyone seemed to think it was funny. I'll post it on my blog and you can check it out!

Unknown said...

I LOVED the business time song. It is so funny cause, well, sometimes it is so true!

I think Michael Cena is funny. A lot of his stuff is on

My hubby and I are obsessed with Arrested Development.