Monday, October 20, 2008

My delieverer

I'm in the middle of putting up pics and figuring out how to sell my jewelry online, via my blog so keep checking, but in the meantime I thought I'd share a little of what God has been doing in my life.
I have realized that He is my Deliverer. By this I mean that I can look back and see that in every twist and turn He has Delivered me....And I can remember back to when I was in Preschool!
I am just struck with the reality of who He is and who He wants to be in my life.

Its hard because one of the gifts I have is compassion, and this gift, like all other gifts, is great when used correctly but incorrectly I become overwhelmed and very anxious to the point of panic attacks. I don't have panic attacks anymore and I have learned how to control the feeling of anxiety and worry. However I am still worrisome, and I have to constantly give them to the Lord.
So, that is why He has constantly shown me to be my Supernatural Deliverer.

I really identify with the character in the book "the secret life of bees" May. She is very compassionate to the point of being so overwhelmed she gets out of touch with reality.
She takes on the world's hurt just like they are her own. This is a good example for me to know what can happen if I let my gift become too overwhelming for me.


Juliette said...

I totally hear you Bethany. I sometimes feel that being empathetic is a curse. Where would we be without God and his deliverance?

Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

I am the same way....great post:)

Jess said...

Bethany - it was good to see you yesterday - if only for a brief moment! I'd love to find more time in the future to catch up! Hope you have an amazing weekend! :)

Pearcia LaPointe said...

I don't think I knew you made jewelry! Very cool. Can't wait for some to be posted here!

Toni Jean said...

Hi, my name is toni, I came to your lifegroup once... anyway, I was wondering if you have an shop? I buy jewelery there all the time and its a great way to get your stuff out there :)