Saturday, May 10, 2008

Trader Joe'S!

I think that we are still getting a TJ's is Redding, but who really knows, right?
Well, I have this cute little story to tell you about my funny family.
I ask them to bring some stuff from TJ's when they come and visit, and so today my mom called me from there and was explaining where they are and how much longer until they leave and what we wanted, etc.
The funny thing is that she kept calling it "Trader Joe"... Just one. She said it like 3 or 4 times in two sentences! I don't understand, maybe it is a mom thing, or a my mom thing, I dunno. I talked with my sister about it and she laughed and said that mom says "Trader Joe" all the time. I'm not sure if she is doing this on purpose or she just hasn't read the sign.


Candace said...

That's so cute. That sounds like something my Mom would do as well!

the lains said...

my ma does the same thing...larry

Kari said...

We NEED Trader Joe!!! I will take one!

amy coverdale said...

October! it will be open by October! :) I met the guy who is going to be one of the managers.. so i got the inside info:) can't wait!!