Friday, March 14, 2008

News stories

I just read one of the funniest stories I've heard in a while.
This guy in London wanted to propose and so he put a $12,000 ring in a helium balloon and on the way to see her he lost the balloon.
It just flew away and he hasn't found it..... poor guy. I wonder if she will still say yes.

Another story I read that really touched me amid all the sad war stories and problems with our economy.

This starbucks barista is giving her kidney to a frequent customer. Basically strangers have become more, and the barista has saved a lady's life! Incredible! God is still God and the world isn't over yet! We still have much to rejoice about! He still answers prayer and there is always hope!

And, and update on Josiah, he is 15 lbs, 26inches and with a new tooth on the way (I can feel the little thing). He is also getting the idea that he wants to crawl. He's got the butt up and feet moving, but his arms are still. But he is working hard!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh he looks like a little angel in this picture. What a big boy he is getting to be.

I like the idea of the Barista giving the kidney to a customer. I used to be a Barsita at Starbucks and found I had WAY more of a ministry working there than I ever did anywhere else.

Candace said...

He's so big and cute!! He looks like you in this picture!

Anna said...

First of all I would FREAK OUT if I lost a $12,000 ring!!!! That poor guy, I feel so bad for him! Secondly that story about the Starbucks girl is so great. There are so many good people out there it's just sad that the news mainly focuses on all of the bad ones. :( Thirdly your son is adorable; I think he looks more and more like you every time I see him. And last but not least I think it's HILARIOUS that my cat is bigger than your son! My cat weighs about 17 pounds and your son isn't even 16! So funny. :)

Anna said...

I take back part of what I said in my last comment. Last night on ABC World News Tonight their Person of the Week was that lady from Starbucks! They did a whole story on her and the lady she donated to! :)