Wednesday, April 9, 2008

the awkward night

What kind of situation makes you feel awkward?

Well, to answer my own question here it an example...
The other night Patrick, Josiah and I went to the Olive Garden for some nice family time, and who should be sitting at the next table?
my gynecologist and his family! WOW....but you know he is a nice man, and the family is nice and so we are fine, and then Josiah is being very loud; happy but loud and there wasn't much we could do.
So, as we are eating and enjoying ourselves, as much as we can, our waitress comes over and tells us that the family at the next table has paid for our dinner! WOW! and so we tell them thanks and smile and stuff, and so they leave.
Meanwhile, we told the waitress that it is Patrick's birthday and so she is planning on having people sing... but Josiah is getting tired and so we are going to just go home, and she comes over and asks us if its OK that they sing, and Josiah starts crying!
So we start to leave but there is no bill... what do we do? Say goodbye?
Oh, and also we had only 2 dollars in our pocket and that is all we could leave for a tip! (cause we were gonna pay with our card) Horrible, I know!
That is my definition of awkward.


Anna said...

That is pretty awkward! It's nice that those people paid for your dinner but that did kind of leave you in a bind! :)

Candace said...

How cool that they paid for your dinner. I love it when that happens! How awkward though. Was it your gynecologist's family that paid for it?

Unknown said...

Wow, terribly awkward. I think just being ANYWHERE NEAR anyone who has examined your womanly parts is awkward, let alone at a restaurant with your husband and son (also two people who have thoroughly examined your womanly parts).

Becky Moseley said...

Ha ha. Dr. VanKirk! Weird that he's my gynecologist too. But what a nice guy.

Rosetta Borgic said...

I love VanKirk. So nice. It totally doesn't surprise me that they paid for your dinner. How awesome. I hate that akward feeling though.
Hey - I didn't get your message until after we got home from church. Sorry! :)