Thursday, March 6, 2008


I know I haven't blogged in a while... I am getting a new computer hard drive and memory today! Yey! It doesn't work at our house with just one computer because Patrick works on the main one. So I get no time on it.
So, lets see we have been traveling like crazy, to the Bay Area 3 times this past month, or so it feels like it. We are so pooped! But great news! Patrick is getting a lot more jobs and more people are calling back that they want to use his services. Praise God!
Meanwhile, Josiah is growing at an incredible rate!... Well, to me it seems like every morning he is a different person. He is 5 months now and he seems to be understanding more concepts about who people are and its fun to see him start to interact.
Right now he has defiantly found his voice. And he likes to yell this back-of-the-throat type of yell. And, it is fun, but loud and I can't hear what other people are saying.

Oh! one fun thing is that I need to read more books.... I'm getting kind of stir crazy with one car, no computer, and limited places to walk.
So, my challenge to you is:
I need to know what books you all recommend.
This should be fun!


Rosetta Borgic said...

Books are the best! I have whole list on my blog that I recommend. I love love love to read. Right now I am reading a Michener historical novel that isn't great, but once I start, I have to finish it.
I'm glad to hear that Patrick is getting more work. Yay! Praise God!

Emily Faulknor said...

Definitely the Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns. Also, anything Francine Rivers, but I think you would especially like the Mark of the Lion Trilogy or the Last Sin Eater. thanks for your comment Bethany. You are such a beautiful mom and one that just look so put together and like you have everything figured out. That is awesome!